Sunday, April 15, 2012

Poetica declaraciones y denuncias | Statements & Protests

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Arnoldo García

Poetica declaraciones y denuncias | Statements & Protests

A mi abuela y mis hermanos mayores
Manuela Ochoa
John Trudell
Mahmoud Darwish
Vladimir Mayakovsky
y otros y otras
porque mis madres y padres
creían en el amor libre
Es decir,
el amor libre de amar y cuidar
sus cultivos,
sus tierras,
las semillas,
las familias
que eran la misma relación,
la mismita cosa
y aún después de ser desplazados a fuerzas
las siguieron cuidando en sus sueños y peregrinajes
Trataban a las tierras ajenas como suyas
las tendían de semillas de ternura
sabían que la tierra se movían según su corazón
y teníamos que ponerle mucha atención a ella
cuando la trabajábamos.
A mi abuelito le dolía tener que usar un tractor
arrastrando el arado,
era demasiado sólo para sembrar semillas
sí era más rápido
pero prefería que le metiéramos las manos
hundiéndolas hondas
en el lodo
en el polvorienta cuerpo
hundirlas hasta sentir el calor de la sangre de ella 

Mis abuelitos rozaban sus cuerpos
contra las hojas de las plantas
Mariposas-migrantes con sus alas
repartían el polén y se sentían pájaro volador
no pájaro-trabajador migrante que el patrón arrastraba sobre sus campos


Books say my skin is a symbol for ruin, for decline.
So? Their skin is a symbol for genocide, enslavement, wars, atomic annihilation, the nuclear winter we are entering, zombies, alienation and western civilization? (Gandhi would say, "that would be a good idea.")

My skin is an attitude of altitude,
a relationship of love to the sun
I have been walking for 155,000 years
And since 1492 continuing on the longest walk yet.
Will the molecules of my desire survive their self-destruction?
Will we meet again and again in the big curve of space and time
condemned to repeat the process till they get it right?
My teeth, my skull, my bony bones are on full display in the museums of the world, with total disregard for my sons' and daughters' souls that visit me every once in a while. (It costs a lot of money for my descendents to come visit me in this prison they call a museum. My sons and daughters cry that the whites hold my descendents in prisons too, called prisons and reservations in the north....)
Even though I'd like a burial and ceremony to take me closer to my ancestors and elders
they will only agree to repatriating all of our descendents and ancestors in one big chain reaction of nuclear strikes.
Ah, the wonders of western civilizations!

I propose that we all go back to the first circle,
where we all started
and remind our selves through communal dreaming
that when we meet again in, say, 2012
we reconvene into the original circle,
now in a spiral
hug each other
laugh, cry, get drunk on our community
act like long-lost brothers and sisters
that finally reunite to become a healthy family once again
Avoid the wars, give each other food and love abundantly
share our stories from the long walk
remember and remember how the stars were constant in our eyes
how the rivers, the oceans and her waves, the moon, Quetzalcoátl, and the animals and the plants
all guided us, made us who we are and that we owe them our lives to take care of ourselves as we take care of them
and not destroy, not consume, not fear more than we can hold in our arms.

The big bang does not need to end with a small human poof.

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